Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Google classroom

Google Classroom is a free collaboration tool for teachers and students. Teachers can create an online classroom, invite students to the class then create and distribute assignments. Within the Google Classroom, students and teachers can have conversations about the assignments and teachers can track the student's progress.

How to create Google classroom using co-constructive tool
Go to Google
Open any web browser
Open Google Chrome
Type web store chrome
Click on chrome web store
Type Google classroom in the search option
Add extension
Turn on synchronize

How to create a classroom
Click on the drop-down menu on the left side
Click on classes
Click on the plus sign on the right-hand corner
Fill the required information
Click on create

How to change the theme
Click on a select theme on right side
Select theme as you like from option given

How to invite friends or join them
Click on classes
Click on the plus sign
Click on join classes
Enter the code
Click on join

How to post the materials
Go classwork
Click on create
Click on material
Fill in the title and description
Click on the attachment to upload files and folder
Click on upload

How to create attendance using Google classroom
Go to classwork
Click on create
Click on quiz assignment
Name the title as class attendance
Write the description as 4pcd
Select ungraded in point and name topic as attendance
Double click on a blank quiz
Write tittle as 4pcd attendance
Select checkbox grid from the dropdown list which is there at a top corner at the right-hand side
Write P=present, A=absent and L=leave in description
In Colum type P A L
In row type name of the students
Click on setting and tick see summary chart and text responses
Finally, click on save.

How to create a quiz assignment using Google classroom
Click on create
Select quiz assignment
Type the title of the quiz
Click on a topic and change the name of the topic
Click on the blank quiz
Change the name of the quiz
Write the description
Add the question
Add the answers in option 1,2,3,4
Click on a key answer
Tick the correct answer
Award point for the quiz
Finally, go to setting
Click on general
Click on setting and tick see summary chart and text responses

Making Section
Click on add section at the right-hand side
Name the title of a question (short answer questions)
Write description
Choose short type question
Add questions
Click on add question to add further questions

link    https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1qWCZBWg8QtJ3BUe9e5umL8KgojNyKmfDhARN6Kb4l20/edit

Benefits of integrating google classroom

  1. Accessibility

Google Classroom can be accessed from any computer via Google Chrome or from any mobile device regardless of platform.  All files uploaded by teachers and students are stored in a Classroom folder on Google Drive. Users can access the Classroom anytime, anywhere. Students no longer have to worry about crashed computers or hungry dogs.

       2. Exposure

The classroom provides students with exposure to an online learning system. Many college and university programs now require students to enroll in at least one online class. Exposure to Google Classroom may help students transition into other learning management systems used in higher education.

      3. Paperless

Teachers and students won’t have excessive amounts of paper to shuffle since Classroom is completely paperless. When teachers upload assignments and assessments to the Classroom, they are simultaneously saved to Drive. Students can complete assignments and assessments directly through Classroom, and their work is also saved to Drive. Students can access missed work due to absences and locate other resources they may need.

  4. Time Saver

The classroom is a huge time saver. With all resources saved in one place and the ability to access the Classroom anywhere, teachers will have more free time to complete other tasks. Since the Classroom can be accessed from a mobile device, teachers and students can participate through their phones or tablets.

      5. Communication

Built-in tools make communicating with students and parents a breeze. Teachers and students can send emails, post to the stream, send private comments on assignments, and provide feedback on work. Teachers have full control over student comments and posts. They can also communicate with parents through individual emails or through Classroom email summaries which include class announcements and due dates.

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