communication tool

what is a communicative tool?
  • communicative tools are an application which enables easy communication. some of the examples of communicative tools are; Gmail, chat, skype, facebook communicative tools can be divided into two 
Image result for synchronous tools
  1. synchronous-its called as real time in which users must be simultaneously connected, rather like a telephone call 
  • it enables real-time communication
  • used for instructional activities that require a higher degree of interaction.
  • helps to solve urgent problems or issues. 
examples: chat, telephone call, video conference.
Image result for email and wechat

2. Asynchronous- not requiring the people communicating to be logged on the internet at the same time.
  • appropriate for activities that require more time in thinking before responding
        example: e-mail, wechat, discussion forum

Video conferencing (synchronous communicative tools) can be used to communicate with learners to solve urgent issues and to accomplish immediate learning. It can be done individually or in a small group. Working individually with a child will make the teacher know a lot more about the child’s strengths and weaknesses. The teacher will know the learning style, preferences and the interest of a child. On the flip side, the teacher interacting with a small group of children will be like guided teaching, where the teacher will be able to let children learn and perform task collaboratively. Not only that, but students can do video conference among themselves to discuss the topic whereby slow learners will also learn from their friends

  How to create communication tools(Edmodo)
Click on login.
enter your gmail address and password and click on google
click on join the class  
enter the given code
finally, answer the questions given by clicking on the comments button

 How to create a blog

1. Go to Blogger. 
2. Click on sign in
3.enter a display name and click continue to blogger on create a new blog
5.type a title for your blog
6.type a URL for the blog
7.enter the word verification and click continue
8. Choose a starter template 
9. Click on create a blog


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