Friday, April 19, 2019

Digital citizenship

What is Digital citizenship? 

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  • Digital citizenship is the norms and rules we follow to act appropriately when using technology. In other word, digital citizen means being saved, savvy and ethical while using the internet and using technology for making our community better. To respectfully engage with people who have different beliefs from yours. Recognizing the validity of online sources.

                    Nine elements of digital citizen
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       1. Digital access
Giving equal opportunity to access many resources using technology and modeling the proper use of technology.
As a digital citizen, we should understand and do not folly others for the lack of information on technology and not having the specific technical attribute. The average teen spends nine hours a day online (Rideout, 2015)

2. Digital literacy
Image result for digital literacyTechnology and its related environment are such that they develop and are improved continuously, it’s because of that reason there is a need of schools and other function education to teach its students in the use of technology
By using technology as a means by which to accumulate information, students will be able to exponentially improve education and also allowing for parts such as distance learning to be enabled.
As a digital citizen, we can seek to promote such advancements within our communities and also encourage the use of technology to the younger generations

3. Digital commerce
Image result for digital commerceInternet is a place where many people around the world connect to buy a set of products and ranges service. While this allows many businesses, both small and large to operate over larger geographical areas. This also opens paths to the transaction of products that might not be legal or against the different morals or principles. For examples: downloading pornography.
As digital citizens, we must abstain and if necessary reports such websites and Trans actors

4. Digital communication
By using the internet many platforms are open to communicating with people all around the world. For examples emails, wechat, messengers. Wherever these mechanisms are also used by various online personal to slander and hate on other personalities.
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 As a digital citizen, we must not indulge in acts that could potentially hurt other people. We must also speak out against such a 
heinous act.

5. Digital law
Digital law is a law that governs the online world. It sets the foundation for what is right and what is wrong. It deals with unethical behaviors often displayed in the form of downloading pirated files.
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As a digital citizen we must not indulge in any immoral conducts, this includes, downloading pirated files, plagiarism and so on and so forth.

6. Digital etiquette
Just as a digital world has progressed so too has a social aspect. Many a time a person’s behavior on and all over the internet is unpleasant, the next problems, however, is that not many people take it upon themselves to correct the person’s behavior or social conduct.
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Most if not all social platforms have some way or another to monitor online behaviors within the premises of their site.
As a digital citizen, we then must report any misconduct portrayed by any individual that in any way is discriminatory or could stack to hurt another.

7. Digital rights and responsibility
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Is having the right and freedom to use all types of digital technology and using technology in an acceptable and appropriate manner. As a user of digital technology, you also have the right to privacy and the freedom of personal expression. But we have to know what to say, when to say, how to say.
As a digital citizen, it is then our responsibilities to abide by the rule to set out to ensure proper conduct when using the internet.

8. Digital health and wellbeing
When using the internet and a computer in general one is subjected to hardware that is used. Unfortunately, the excessive use of computer’s hardware could result in a number of problems. One such issue is the carpal tunnel syndrome which is numbness and tingling in the hand and all caused a pinched nerve in a wrist by sitting for long hours on a computer. 
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One could develop a syndrome furthermore when using a computer a person is subjected blue light, the light that is projected from screen and as a result of being exposed to too much blue light, a person’s vision and eyesight could be profoundly affected.

As a digital citizen, we must use the digital world in a monitored and effective manner that does not pose any form of harm to us or those around us in any way.
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9. Digital security
Just as in a real world we are regularly exposed to external threats such as criminals so too are we exposed to such risks in the virtual or online world.

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